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Représentation de la formation : Electric Vehicle Courses - Mode 3 - Advanced

Electric Vehicle Courses - Mode 3 - Advanced

Véhicule électrique

Formation à distance
Durée : 12 heures (2 jours)
Durée :12 heures (2 jours)
Se préinscrire
Durée :12 heures (2 jours)
Se préinscrire
Durée :12 heures (2 jours)
Se préinscrire

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Formation créée le 23/02/2023. Dernière mise à jour le 02/08/2024.

Version du programme : 1

Programme de la formation Version PDF

Duration : 12 hours (2 days) Member price = 1790 € Non member price = 1585 € Mode 3 - content : + Mode 1 - Base technical training + Mode 2 - Intermediate + EV - Battery Systems Advanced + EV – Control Systems + EV - HV Safety regulations + EV - Practice module 2 – HV Batteries

Objectifs de la formation

  • idem Mode 1 + Mode 2
  • Having an overview of the principle of operation of a battery, market developments and the internal structure of the battery pack.
  • Review of the control systems that make up a vehicle, communication and particularities of the electric vehicle.
  • Having an overview of the main electric vehicle type approval regulations and design features to comply with the most important safety aspects.

Profil des bénéficiaires

Pour qui
  • Personnel with direct contact on the EVs HV system (i.e. Test Engineer, technician… )
  • none

Contenu de la formation

  • EV Vehicle Types
    • An overview of how the electrification of combustion vehicles has gradually increased functionality as well as benefits in terms of fuel economy and pollution reduction.
    • • Different vehicles types • Interchangeable battery electric vehicle • Electric vehicles • Hybrid vehicles (Serie, parallel, Serie parallel) • Mild hybrid vehicles • Pure hybrid vehicles • Plug in hybrid vehicles • Hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles
  • EV - Main Components
    • An overview of the main components that can be found in hybrid, electric and fuel cell vehicles, as well as their main characteristics.
    • • 12V battery • HV battery • Fuel Cell • HV wiring • Service disconnector switch • Inverter • Electric motor • Mechanical coupler • Super capacitors • DC/DC Converters • PTC heater • A/C eCompressor • On board charger
  • EV - HV Battery Systems (module 1)
    • • An overview of the principle of operation of a battery, market developments and the internal structure of the battery pack.
    • • Operation Principle of an Electrochemical Cell • Cell Formats • Fundamental Definitions and Concepts • Li Ion Fundamentals • Thermal Runaway • Ageing Mechanisms • Handling Precaution • Battery Pack Structure • Other HV Components in a Battery Pack
  • EV - Charging systems
    • Review of all types of charging modes and connectors for electric and hybrid vehicles available on the market and the main differences between them.
    • • Types of recharging • Recharging modes • Functionalities associated with recharging • Types of connectors (different markets) • High power connection methods (Heavy duty )
  • EV - Electric motor types
    • An overview of the evolution in demand and development of electric motors. Developments in the automotive sector, topologies and future trends.
    • • E Motor trend • Technology development priorities • E Motor principle of operation • E Motor Types • Major OEMs choices • A step forward / Future trends
  • EV - Safety hazards
    • Information and awareness raising on the dangers of electric and hybrid vehicles. Safety measures, equipment and protocol for action in the event of an accident.
    • • Electrical hazard • Electric shock • Electric arcing • Chemical hazard • Poisoning hazard • Electrolyte spill • High temperature • Deflagration hazard • Fire risk
  • EV - Vehicle Safety Features
    • A review of all active safety systems against electrical hazards in vehicles .
    • • IPXXX Protection • Switch SD (Service Disconnect) • HV connector locking mechanism • Power wires characteristics • Isolation Monitoring Device (IMD) • Interlock system • High voltage pyrotechnic fuse • Battery and cells venting valves
  • EV - Thermal Management
    • The importance of good thermal management in electric vehicles and its role in electricity consumption.
    • • General description • Main components • Air Conditioning • Cooling System • Battery Thermal Management • Electric Vehicle Thermal Management • Efficiency
  • EV - HV Battery Systems Advanced
    • An overview of the principle of operation of a battery, market developments and the internal structure of the battery pack.
    • • Operation principle of an electrochemical cell • Cell formats • Fundamental definitions and concepts • Li Ion fundamentals • Thermal runaway • Ageing Mechanisms • Handling precautions • Battery pack structure • BMS • Thermal management and balancing
  • EV - Control Systems
    • Review of the control systems that make up a vehicle, communication and particularities of the electric vehicle.
    • • Introduction to the control systems • Vehicle control system architecture • INPUT System • Start Up system • Powertrain model • Vehicle model • Vehicle controls models
  • EV - HV Safety Regulations
    • An overview of the main electric vehicle type approval regulations and design features to comply with the most important safety aspects.
    • - Safety Regulations - Regulation No 100 Approval of vehicles with regard to specific requirements for the electric power train - HV Safety Check Procedure
Équipe pédagogique

IDIADA | 4 Electric Vehicle Experts from IDIADA's EV Training Team

Suivi de l'exécution et évaluation des résultats
  • Presentation
  • Attendance sheets
Ressources techniques et pédagogiques
  • Training tools
  • Discussions between participants and with the trainer

Capacité d'accueil

Entre 6 et 12 apprenants

Délai d'accès

2 semaines


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